Friday, October 28, 2016

UNC Men’s Lacrosse Team - 2016 National Champions

Travis Cuvelier is a big lacrosse fan excited about the college lacrosse championships.

Since he was a kid, Travis Cuvelier has always enjoyed playing sports. Over the years, his favorite sport very quickly became lacrosse. Travis Cuvelier loves lacrosse for its uniqueness and team oriented style of play. This past year, Travis spent a lot of time following his favorite college lacrosse team and enjoyed watching the 2016 Men's Lacrosse Championships.

The University of North Carolina’s Men’s Lacrosse team is now the proud National Champions of 2016. Their final showdown was a close call and went into overtime, and took their first championship since the early 1990’s, making it the first championship from UNC that Travis Cuvelier was old enough to watch and remember.
Travis Cuvelier - Men's Lacrosse

The Close Call

Everyone was talking about this game including Travis Cuvelier and many of his friends. In the last few minutes, against the odds University of North Carolina took down Maryland that up until that point was number one nationwide.
Sports events like this that take us all out to the last minute are talked about for years and there is no way that this close call is going away anytime soon. North Carolina’s Tar Heels worked for their victory and when it looked like hard work might not pay off, they went harder. Travis Cuvelier was greatly inspired by the efforts put out by all of the athletes on both teams.

Where was the Pressure?

These guys have begun to carve a name for themselves with pulling out all the stops at the last minute. They found themselves in a similar situation, but with more time left in the game, when up against Notre Dame earlier this year.
But, that was all on the college level. When the team came up into the NCAA championships, you would think that the pressure would be on and that tensions would rise. They have a great coach is what it comes down to, Coach Joe Breschi, over the University of North Carolina’s Tar Heels is everything you want your kids coach to be. Instead of putting the heat on of taking home this massive title, he went the other way. He emphasized with the team that no one expected them to get this far, so to go as far as they could. Travis Cuvelier likes the way this coach thinks. He believes in always striving to be your personal best and to see where it leads you. For more sports motivation, check out Travis Cuvelier on Tumblr.

With Nothing to Lose…

From players throwing themselves, to amazing saves, so much of this game was played exactly as it was for the Tar Heels. If there was nothing to lose, then there was everything to gain and they were after it. The efforts still weren’t lost when player Goldstock was out on penalty and they had to finish playing with one man down.
Essentially, the coaching and amazing level of sportsmanship in this team is nearly unparalleled. With where the game was when everything was down to the final minutes there wouldn’t have been anyone upset if they had let a goal go. It was the internal structure of the team that made success happen.

This is due mostly to the great respect that the players clearly have for each other and their coach. As they commend him for being competitive but transparent with his emotions these players do nothing but praise their coach. The team as a whole had adopted its underdog persona and now with a major title may have to do some adjusting. There isn’t a whole lot now that people won’t be expecting from this team or this coach. Come next season, teams all over the country are going to be watching the University of North Carolina’s Tar Heels team. Travis Cuvelier is very excited to see it all unfold.

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